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Further Information

Salon Services

Bathing & Drying

​The way we bathe your dog depends on a number of factors - age, breed, type and length of coat, condition of the skin, etc.
We take all these into consideration when choosing the right shampoo for your dog. Our wide selection of animal shampoos ensures we have the right one suitable for your pet’s skin & coat type.

Bathing your dog once a month is plenty.

Many breeds can go much longer than that.

We will advise what the correct interval should be for your dog.

All dogs are dried with conventional dryers.

We never dry dogs in enclosed cabinet dryers. 

​Your dog probably won't understand that being clipped is ultimately for its benefit and there is a possibility that during its first grooming experience it may be extremely nervous.
At Scruffs to Krufts we will make your dog as comfortable as possible, with the tools and procedures, simply by minimizing the scary sides of grooming.

We will slowly introduce the sound and feel of the clippers giving rewards and praise for behaving in the right way.

Scruffs to Krufts make every effort to save a matted coat and only in the most severe cases will the coat need to be shaved to resolve the problem.
With a little attention at home, in between salon visits, this can and should be avoided, as it’s a time consuming and sometimes unpleasant experience for the animal.


Nail trimming or nail clipping is essential to your dogs grooming routine.
Untrimmed nails leave dogs vulnerable to painful broken nails.
Ingrown nails are also a danger when nails are not properly maintained.
If when your dog walks its nails click against hard floors, they are too long.

We will routinely check your dog’s nails and trim as required.


We will discuss how you want your dog styled before grooming begins.
Many owners, regardless of breed standards, want their dog groomed in a particular way.
At Scruffs to Krufts, we are happy to cater for your preferences, as well as producing the classical breed styles.


Salon FAQ's


Q) Do you offer Collection and return?

A) Collection and return available on request

Q) What happens after I leave my dog with you?
A) We start by brushing out your dog’s coat and removing any mats.
If your dog will be receiving a clip we will do a rough-clip to remove any excess hair.
We then trim the nails and clean ears.
Your dog is now ready for bathing.

We will select an appropriate shampoo from our range of pet friendly shampoos.
Once washed and thoroughly rinsed your dog will be dried by air-temperature controlled dryers.
Your dog is now ready for his/her finish clip & scissor.
Your dog is now ready to be picked up.

Q) How long wills my dog’s grooming take?
A) This all depends on the individual pet.

Coat condition, age, temperament, breed and style are all relevant factors.

When we meet your dog we can discuss any relevant issues, as each client is different. Our main concern is the welfare of your pet while in our care and to make it an enjoyable experience for them.

Q) Can I stay with my pet?
A) This is not usually a good idea as to get the full co-operation of the dogs we must have their undivided attention.

We will be happy to show you around our salon.

Q) Sedation?
A) We do not sedate any animals on these premises under any situation.
Please inform us prior to appointment if you wish to bring your pet in under sedation. Animals brought in sedated need special care and may be refused service if not arranged for prior to appointment.

Q) Will my dog be put in a crate?
A) No, dogs are done on a one to one basis.

When they have had their groom they are free to lounge on the dog sofa until they are collected or returned.

Q) Will my pet be muzzled?
A) Dogs and Cats will be muzzled only after they show signs of aggression.

If the aggression is only demonstrated while completing one part of the process (i.e. they may bite while trimming their nails) then we will only use the muzzle for that process.
Muzzles are only used for the safety and your pet and our groomers.

Q) What Kind of Information do you ask for when I drop my dog off?
A) Required information will included your name, address, phone number/s
Dogs name, breed, age, any health & behavior information and veterinarian.

Q) When should I start getting my Puppy groomed?
A) As soon as a puppy has completed its vaccinations it should start making regular visits to the grooming salon.

Q) Does the groom include nails and anal glands?
A) Grooming always includes nails.

The only exception to this would be dogs that become overly aggressive to the point where it would be unsafe for us to provide this service.

We recommend that anal glands are emptied by a vet.

Q) Do you groom large breeds?
A) YES! We love big dogs!
We are always happy to work with such breeds as Newfoundland’s, St. Bernard’s, Great Danes, Mastiffs and all the other large breeds most groomers turn away.

Q) How much will it cost?
A) Charges will vary dependent on the breed of dog and the condition of their coat.
When you call for an appointment we can give you an estimate price, which is based on the information you provide.

Given that customers may not realize the true condition of their pet's coat, we cannot guarantee our estimates.

Q) I won’t be able to make my appointment, what do I do?
A) Please call us right away to reschedule.

We ask that you provide 48 hours notice so we can attempt to fill your slot.

Q) Can I bring some treats with my dog?
A) Yes. We always encourage owners to bring a few treats to reward their dog.

Q) Can you use a shampoo supplied by my vet?
A) Yes.

We also carry our own medicated shampoos, which we highly recommend for pets with problem skin/ itching/redness etc.

Q) My dog has fleas…
A) Dogs that have fleas will be washed with a flea shampoo that will kill fleas on the dog (an additional charge for this service will be added to the client's Bill).

We will also give you advice and recommendations to prevent and control further problems.

Please inform us if your pet is allergic to flea shampoo

Q) My dog just needs his nails clipped…Do I need an appointment?
A) No! However we ask that you call first to make sure we are not too busy or gone for the day.

Q) Do you do Hand Stripping?
A) No. Although we are trained in this technique, it use is highly time consumptive and rarely requested. As such, we choose to not provide this service.

Q) Do you Groom Cats?
A) Yes! we groom cats.

But if they really hate the process, we do require the owner first take them to the vet for sedation.

We do not sedate.

We leave it to the appropriate professionals.

Q) My dog needs the hair inside its ear canal removed…
A) Ear hair removal on breeds such as poodles and terriers is included with a full service groom. 



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